Monday, 1 October 2012

Requested Nail Art - Guinness Nails

Hi guys :D

These nails were suggested by Colette on facebook. They were for Arthurs day (27th) but I'm only getting to post them now.

When I started planning Guinness nails, I knew straight away I was going to do the harp but wasn't sure how... I rummaged around in my box of tricks and found my little yellow paisley gems. I knew they wouldn't be perfect but they were the closest I had to anything harp shaped. I think they turned out just fine. :) I also used single silver holo glitters to spell out Guinness on the pint glass :D

I knew the pint wouldn't look right on the Biletto (baby stiletto!) so I decided to do a gold glequin harp on it. Harder than you'd think...

Don't forget... update on the Biletto on Wednesday!



  1. I LOVE IT!! My mom said the Guiness is much better in Ireland than in Canada :oP I guess I'll have to make the trip one day lol

    1. I can't vouch for that but it is one hell of a drink! Definitely should! :) Thanks

  2. Holy shiz!! That harp is amazing!! I love the Guinness nails...and I love me some Guinness!! :P

  3. Wow your harp is so cute!!! Very nice job!

    1. Thanks Jennifer :) It took me aggggggges to do!

  4. OH YEAAAHHH - now I get thursty, I love your Guinness nails :)

    1. Thanks Maria :D Would love a wee half pint myself :)

  5. Love, love, love. You have combined two of my favourite things!


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